If the guides do not solve your problem or answer your question, please contact the respective department.
Admissions - Information about applying to Spoon River College (SRC)
email: admissions@src.edu or call: (309) 649-7020
Alumni - An online community for SRC alumni and alumnae
email: alumni@src.edu
Employment - Current job openings
email: humanresources@src.edu or call: (309) 649-6209
Financial Aid - For financial aid related questions
email: financialaid@src.edu or call: (309) 649-7030
General - Questions not related to other topics
email: info@src.edu or call: (309) 647-4645
Technical Help Desk - Technical help at the SRC
email: helpdesk@src.edu or call: (309) 649-6381
Canton Emergency/ Weather Closing Line - (309) 649-6336
Macomb Emergency/ Weather Closing Line - (309) 833-6082